Returns Information

We take pride in our selection of products and hope that you are delighted with your order, but we know that every now and again, an item might not be as appreciated by the recipient or quite as you expected. That’s why we offer our customers a 21 day exchange or refund returns guarantee.

Returns & Replacements

We hope you are delighted with your order. However, if you're not for any reason we offer a 21 day exchange or refund returns guarantee. We are unable to accept returns for: personalised items, perishable goods (such as food items), subscriptions or any item not returned to us in a sellable condition with its original packaging.

When returning your items, please ensure you follow our returns process. We are unable to provide a refund unless these conditions have been met.

1: Please return the goods with their original packaging to the following address within 21 days of receipt:

Sendit Group Ltd. (Returns)
c/o Ready Steady Store
M3 Trade Park, Manor Way
SO50 9YA
United Kingdom

2: Please ensure any goods you wish to return are securely wrapped and that you let us know in advance that you are returning them. You can do this by emailing us at .

3: Please obtain a proof of posting receipt. This is your proof of return and must be provided if the item you are returning fails to arrive at our returns address.

4: Please allow up to 14 working days for the goods to be returned and for us to process your return. We will carry out any refund by using the same means of payment as you used for the initial transaction.

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